Quotation marks in VBA


comboService = """ & Me.Combo8.Value & """

is what you posted, but you need to add an extra quotation mark in order to add a literal quotation mark:

comboService = """" & Me.Combo8.Value & """"

Double-quotes within a string are what you are looking for.

aVar = "This: "" is a literal quotation mark"

I took a page from MS (the old vbCRLF) a while back, and just define any "tricky" characters I'll need as a string at the top of my code ...

Dim vbDblQuote As String
vbDblQuote = Chr(34)

Now you can just use that pseudo-constant as you build strings ...

strMyString = "Just another string " & vbDblQuote & "with quotes" & vbDblQuote & "!"

This makes code more readable, and also helps avoid "miscounted quote errors"