QWebView or QWebEngineView
As for me I can't see some very important features in QWebEngineView. First of all you can't access to all frames on page, and you can't run JS in all frames. The next one is that you cant use QNetworkAccessManager for control view underline layer. So for now I can't see any solutions for some issues, like this How to disable sound on flashplayer in my custom application? . I want to believe that it is possible to solve it in some way, becouse QWebEngineView works much faster and seems like it have no (or less) memory leak issues then QWebView.
I would give QtWebEngine a try. It is replacing QtWebKit for a reason.
If you control the HTML that is getting rendered, then it probably doesn't hurt to use QWebKit. Just make sure you test your pages beforehand.
QWebView uses WebKit as the backend.
QWebEngineView uses Chromium as the backend.
WebKit is what is used in Konqueror on Linux and Rekonq. Its not bad, but its not as robust across general (and often imperfect) web pages/html in my opinion.
Chromium is a much newer, faster and more robust engine.
I don't know all the technical details specifically, but QWebEngine is a big step in the right direction. I've found this mostly from my own experimenting and empirical usage.
To give WebKit a decent try, look at this project and try a variety of pages:
Here is some more info about QtWebEngine v QtWebKit