R- delete accents in string
When I faced a similar problem, I used the function stri_trans_general
from the stringi
package. For example you can try: stri_trans_general(nota,"Latin-ASCII")
I use this function
rm_accent <- function(str,pattern="all") {
str <- as.character(str)
pattern <- unique(pattern)
pattern[pattern=="Ç"] <- "ç"
symbols <- c(
acute = "áéíóúÁÉÍÓÚýÝ",
grave = "àèìòùÀÈÌÒÙ",
circunflex = "âêîôûÂÊÎÔÛ",
tilde = "ãõÃÕñÑ",
umlaut = "äëïöüÄËÏÖÜÿ",
cedil = "çÇ"
nudeSymbols <- c(
acute = "aeiouAEIOUyY",
grave = "aeiouAEIOU",
circunflex = "aeiouAEIOU",
tilde = "aoAOnN",
umlaut = "aeiouAEIOUy",
cedil = "cC"
accentTypes <- c("´","`","^","~","¨","ç")
if(any(c("all","al","a","todos","t","to","tod","todo")%in%pattern)) # opcao retirar todos
return(chartr(paste(symbols, collapse=""), paste(nudeSymbols, collapse=""), str))
for(i in which(accentTypes%in%pattern))
str <- chartr(symbols[i],nudeSymbols[i], str)