R - Find "n" closest points to each point in SpatialPointsDataFrame

The geos functions provided in sf, combined with some matrix operations, will do the trick. First, convert and transform your points.


spbb                             # define your points here

spbb <- st_as_sf(spbb)           # convert to simple features
spbb <- st_transform(spbb, 5880) # transform to your desired proj (unit = m)

Then, use st_distance to create a matrix of distances between each point in the data frame. Replace the diagonal with NAs (because distance of a point to itself is 0).

dist_matrix   <- st_distance(spbb, spbb)           # creates a matrix of distances
diag(dist_matrix) <- NA                            # replaces 0s with NA

Lastly, use some matrix operations to get the smallest value of each row.

spbb$distance <- rowMins(dist_matrix)              # get the dist of nearest element
spbb$nearest  <- rowMins(dist_matrix, value = T)   # get the index of the nearest element