react count object properties in an array

Assuming that the data you fetched from API is stored in data variable, you can try the following code to find the count of movie media type in your data array:

const movies = data.filter(item => item.media_type === 'movie')),
  moviesCount = movies.length;

You can also dynamically calculate count of every media_type in your data array:

const mediaTypes = data
    .map(dataItem => dataItem.media_type) // get all media types
    .filter((mediaType, index, array) => array.indexOf(mediaType) === index); // filter out duplicates
const counts = mediaTypes
  .map(mediaType => ({
    type: mediaType,
    count: data.filter(item => item.media_type === mediaType).length

Then counts will be something like this:

    "type": "tv",
    "count": 3
    "type": "movie",
    "count": 3

ok i found the solition. thank you to poohitan for answer. i solved it through his answer.

countType(type) {
        const countTypes = this.props.movies.filter(movie => movie.media_type === type);
        return countTypes.length;

and while i am rendering my tv results, i just call the method above with type. for example:

return ( 
      movie count: {this.countType('movie')} 
      tv show count: {this.countType('tv')} 