React-Navigation go to same route with different params

You are looking for push instead of navigate. When you use navigate, it look for a route with that name, and if it exists navigate to it. When you use push, you go to a new route, adding a new navigation to the stack.

See the documentation here

In your case, you should do:

NavigationActions.push({ routeName: 'User', params: {userId} }) 

or through your props (make sure your props has 'navigation'):

this.props.navigation.push('User', {userId:'paramValue'})

Use the navigation key to navigate to same route

const navigateAction = NavigationActions.navigate({
    routeName: 'User', 
    params: {userId},
    key: 'APage' + APageUUID



    routeName: 'User', 
    params: {userId},
    key: 'APage' + APageUUID

APageUUID is just a unique page id, can be generated with Math.random () * 10000
