React props - set isRequired on a prop if another prop is null / empty
Use isRequiredIf
There is a PR from 4 years ago that added isRequiredIf
to the PropTypes library. Unfortunately, even at that time they were putting the PropTypes library in maintenance mode and would not merge it in.
The company I work for still uses PropTypes and so we forked the master
branch of the PropTypes library and added this functionality in.
So now you can do something like this:
ariaLabel: PropTypes.string.isRequiredIf( props => props.children )
Super clean and minimal.
Feel free to use our fork in your own project by updating your package.json
with the following:
"prop-types": "github:cntral/prop-types#isRequiredIf"
NOTE: It does not take a boolean param, only a function that is passed the props and needs to return a boolean.
This may be exactly what you need:
In your case, your propTypes would be:
import requiredIf from 'react-required-if';
Button.propTypes = {
/** icon inside Button. */
icon: React.PropTypes.object,
/** Content inside button */
children: React.PropTypes.node,
/** Aria-label to screen readers */
ariaLabel: requiredIf(React.PropTypes.string, props => !props.children), /*isRequired if children is empty */
To add to @chickenchilli's answer above, you could abstract this into a more handy helper function like this:
export default function conditionalPropType(condition, message) {
if(typeof condition !== 'function') throw "Wrong argument type 'condition' supplied to 'conditionalPropType'";
return function(props, propName, componentName) {
if (condition(props, propName, componentName)) {
return new Error(`Invalid prop '${propName}' '${props[propName]}' supplied to '${componentName}'. ${message}`);
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import conditionalPropType from './conditionalPropType';
MyComponent.propTypes = {
conditionProp: PropTypes.bool,
dependentProp: conditionalPropType(props => (props.condition && typeof(props.someProp) !== 'boolean'), "'dependentProp' must be boolean if 'conditionProp' is true"),
You don't need another library, 'prop-types' provides this out of the box. See
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
ExampleComponent.propTypes = {
showDelete: PropTypes.bool,
handleDelete: function(props, propName, componentName) {
if ((props['showDelete'] == true && (props[propName] == undefined || typeof(props[propName]) != 'function'))) {
return new Error('Please provide a handleDelete function!');