React renderToString() Performance and Caching React Components

Idea 1: Caching components

Update 1: I've added a complete working example at the bottom. It caches components in memory and updates data-reactid.

This can actually be done easily. You should monkey-patch ReactCompositeComponent and check for a cached version:

import ReactCompositeComponent from 'react/lib/ReactCompositeComponent';
const originalMountComponent = ReactCompositeComponent.Mixin.mountComponent;
ReactCompositeComponent.Mixin.mountComponent = function() {
    if (hasCachedVersion(this)) return cache;
    return originalMountComponent.apply(this, arguments)

You should do this before you require('react') anywhere in your app.

Webpack note: If you use something like new webpack.ProvidePlugin({'React': 'react'}) you should change it to new webpack.ProvidePlugin({'React': 'react-override'}) where you do your modifications in react-override.js and export react (i.e. module.exports = require('react'))

A complete example that caches in memory and updates reactid attribute could be this:

import ReactCompositeComponent from 'react/lib/ReactCompositeComponent';
import jsan from 'jsan';
import Logo from './logo.svg';

const cachable = [Logo];
const cache = {};

function splitMarkup(markup) {
    var markupParts = [];
    var reactIdPos = -1;
    var endPos, startPos = 0;
    while ((reactIdPos = markup.indexOf('reactid="', reactIdPos + 1)) != -1) {
        endPos = reactIdPos + 9;
        markupParts.push(markup.substring(startPos, endPos))
        startPos = markup.indexOf('"', endPos);
    return markupParts;

function refreshMarkup(markup, hostContainerInfo) {
    var refreshedMarkup = '';
    var reactid;
    var reactIdSlotCount = markup.length - 1;
    for (var i = 0; i <= reactIdSlotCount; i++) {
        reactid = i != reactIdSlotCount ? hostContainerInfo._idCounter++ : '';
        refreshedMarkup += markup[i] + reactid
    return refreshedMarkup;

const originalMountComponent = ReactCompositeComponent.Mixin.mountComponent;
ReactCompositeComponent.Mixin.mountComponent = function (renderedElement, hostParent, hostContainerInfo, transaction, context) {
    return originalMountComponent.apply(this, arguments);
    var el = this._currentElement;
    var elType = el.type;
    var markup;
    if (cachable.indexOf(elType) > -1) {
        var publicProps = el.props;
        var id = + ':' + jsan.stringify(publicProps);
        markup = cache[id];
        if (markup) {
            return refreshMarkup(markup, hostContainerInfo)
        } else {
            markup = originalMountComponent.apply(this, arguments);
            cache[id] = splitMarkup(markup);
    } else {
        markup = originalMountComponent.apply(this, arguments)
    return markup;
module.exports = require('react');

Using react-router1.0 and react0.14, we were mistakenly serializing our flux object multiple times.

RoutingContext will call createElement for every template in your react-router routes. This allows you to inject whatever props you want. We also use flux. We send down a serialized version of a large object. In our case, we were doing flux.serialize() within createElement. The serialization method could take ~20ms. With 4 templates, that would be an extra 80ms to your renderToString() method!

Old code:

function createElement(Component, props) {
    props = _.extend(props, {
        flux: flux,
        path: path,
        serializedFlux: flux.serialize();
    return <Component {...props} />;
var start =;
markup = renderToString(<RoutingContext {...renderProps} createElement={createElement} />);
console.log( - start);

Easily optimized to this:

var serializedFlux = flux.serialize(); // serialize one time only!

function createElement(Component, props) {
    props = _.extend(props, {
        flux: flux,
        path: path,
        serializedFlux: serializedFlux
    return <Component {...props} />;
var start =;
markup = renderToString(<RoutingContext {...renderProps} createElement={createElement} />);
console.log( - start);

In my case this helped reduce the renderToString() time from ~120ms to ~30ms. (You still need to add the 1x serialize()'s ~20ms to the total, which happens before the renderToString()) It was a nice quick improvement. -- It's important to remember to always do things correctly, even if you don't know the immediate impact!