Read text file with IAsyncEnumerable

Exactly the same, however there is no async workload, so let's pretend

public async IAsyncEnumerable<string> SomeSortOfAwesomeness()
   foreach (var line in File.ReadLines("Filename.txt"))
       // simulates an async workload, 
       // otherwise why would be using IAsyncEnumerable?
       // -- added due to popular demand 
       await Task.Delay(100);
       yield return line;


This is just an wrapped APM workload, see Stephen Clearys comments for clarification

public static async IAsyncEnumerable<string> SomeSortOfAwesomeness()
   using StreamReader reader = File.OpenText("Filename.txt");
      yield return await reader.ReadLineAsync();


await foreach(var line in SomeSortOfAwesomeness())

Update from Stephen Cleary

File.OpenText sadly only allows synchronous I/O; the async APIs are implemented poorly in that scenario. To open a true asynchronous file, you'd need to use a FileStream constructor passing isAsync: true or FileOptions.Asynchronous.

ReadLineAsync basically results in this code, as you can see, it's only the Stream APM Begin and End methods wrapped

private Task<Int32> BeginEndReadAsync(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
     return TaskFactory<Int32>.FromAsyncTrim(
                    this, new ReadWriteParameters { Buffer = buffer, Offset = offset, Count = count },
                    (stream, args, callback, state) => stream.BeginRead(args.Buffer, args.Offset, args.Count, callback, state), // cached by compiler
                    (stream, asyncResult) => stream.EndRead(asyncResult)); // cached by compiler