Read user input inside a loop
I have found this parameter -u with read.
"-u 1" means "read from stdout"
while read -r newline; do
read -u 1 -p "Doing $i""th file, called $newline. Write your answer and press Enter!"
echo "Processing $newline with $REPLY" # united input from two different read commands.
done <<< $(ls)
Read from the controlling terminal device:
read input </dev/tty
more info:
You can redirect the regular stdin through unit 3 to keep the get it inside the pipeline:
{ cat notify-finished | while read line; do
read -u 3 input
echo "$input"
done; } 3<&0
BTW, if you really are using cat
this way, replace it with a redirect and things become even easier:
while read line; do
read -u 3 input
echo "$input"
done 3<&0 <notify-finished
Or, you can swap stdin and unit 3 in that version -- read the file with unit 3, and just leave stdin alone:
while read line <&3; do
# read & use stdin normally inside the loop
read input
echo "$input"
done 3<notify-finished