Reading a binary file into a struct

Actually it looks like you're trying to read a list (or array) of structures from the file. The idiomatic way to do this in Python is use the struct module and call struct.unpack() in a loop—either a fixed number of times if you know the number of them in advance, or until end-of-file is reached—and store the results in a list. Here's an example of the latter:

import struct

struct_fmt = '=5if255s' # int[5], float, byte[255]
struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_fmt)
struct_unpack = struct.Struct(struct_fmt).unpack_from

results = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    while True:
        data =
        if not data: break
        s = struct_unpack(data)

The same results can be also obtained slightly more concisely using a list comprehension along with a short generator function helper (i.e. read_chunks() below):

def read_chunks(f, length):
    while True:
        data =
        if not data: break
        yield data

with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    results = [struct_unpack(chunk) for chunk in read_chunks(f, struct_len)]


You don't, in fact, need to explicitly define a helper function as shown above because you can use Python's built-in iter() function to dynamically create the needed iterator object in the list comprehension itself like so:

from functools import partial

with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    results = [struct_unpack(chunk) for chunk in iter(partial(, struct_len), b'')]

Use the struct module; you need to define the types in a string format documented with that library:

struct.unpack('=HHf255s', bytes)

The above example expects native byte-order, two unsigned shorts, a float and a string of 255 characters.

To loop over an already fully read bytes string, I'd use itertools; there is a handy grouper recipe that I've adapter here:

from itertools import izip_longest, imap
from struct import unpack, calcsize

fmt_s = '=5i'
fmt_spec = '=256i'
size_s = calcsize(fmt_s)
size = size_s + calcsize(fmt_spec)

def chunked(iterable, n, fillvalue=''):
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    return imap(''.join, izip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue))

data = [unpack(fmt_s, section[:size_s]) + (unpack(fmt_spec, section[size_s:]),)
    for section in chunked(bytes, size)]

This produces tuples rather than lists, but it's easy enough to adjust if you have to:

data = [list(unpack(fmt_s, section[:size_s])) + [list(unpack(fmt_spec, section[size_s:]))]
    for section in chunked(bytes, size)]