Real World Use of Zookeeper
HBase uses Zookeeper for coordinating activities its "head node" was responsible for prior to the current version. The move to using Zookeeper means the central control is no longer a single point of failure.
Zookeeper is very versatile; here is an example of using it to build a distributed concurrent queue:
You can of course also use it to create resource locks, etc, in a distributed system.
Free Software Projects Powered by ZooKeeper:
- AdroitLogic UltraESB
- Akka
- Eclipse Communication Framework
- Eclipse Gyrex
- GoldenOrb
- Juju
- Katta
- KeptCollections
- Mesos
- Neo4j
- Norbert
- Talend ESB
- redis_failover
Apache Projects Powered by ZooKeeper:
- Apache Accumulo
- Apache BookKeeper
- Apache CXF DOSGi
- Apache Flume
- Apache Hadoop MapReduce
- Apache HBase
- Apache Hedwig
- Apache Kafka
- Apache S4
- Apache Solr