Recursive array type typescript
Now typescript allow type circularly references itself, such like this:
type RArray = (string | RArray)[];
And if you want to define a generic type in recursive function, can use interface ...<T> extends (T|...<T>)[]
interface RA<T> extends Array<T | RA<T>> { }
For example, create a function to get sum recursivily
function sum(arr: RA<number>) {
let res = 0;
arr.forEach((n) => {
if (Array.isArray(n)) {
res += sum(n);
} else {
res += n;
return res;
console.log(sum([1, 2, 3, [4, [5]], [[6]]]))
// output: 21
But this way has some disadvantage, compiler can't know the specific type of n
arr.forEach((n) => {
if (Array.isArray(n)) { // typeof n: `number | RA<number>`
res += sum(n);
} else {
res += n;
Type aliases can't reference themselves, so this naïve approach will fail:
type NestedArray = Atom | Array<NestedArray | Atom> //Type alias 'NestedArray' circularly references itself.
Interfaces can however reference themselves:
interface NestedArray extends Array<NestedArray | Atom> {
And we can define an extra union at the top level to handle the root case:
type Atom = string | boolean | number
interface NestedArray extends Array<NestedArray | Atom> {
type AtomOrArray = Atom | NestedArray;
let foo: AtomOrArray = [
[1, 2, ""]
let bar: AtomOrArray = ""