Recursive include Sequelize?

There are few solutions if found for this first one is more complicated but will give better performance:

This one is about implementing hierarchical data structure in MySQL I like the guide here

The one that is named The Nested Set Model.

The second solution that I actually implemented by myself is recursive expanding, this one uses lots of mysql requests and I believe can be improved, but it's a fast one and works well. The thing is to use for each category function like this

var expandSubcategories = function (category) {
    return new promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        category.getSubcategories().then(function (subcategories) {
            //if has subcategories expand recursively inner subcategories
            if (subcategories && subcategories.length > 0) {
                var expandPromises = [];
                _.each(subcategories, function (subcategory) {

                promise.all(expandPromises).then(function (expandedCategories) {
                    category.subcategories = [];

                    _.each(expandedCategories, function (expandedCategory) {
                    }, this);

                    //return self with expanded inner

            } else {
                //if has no subcategories return self

So it's going through the categories and expanding them recursively.

Maybe this will help someone as well.

This is ihoryam's answer adapted to ES6, using async/await, arrow functions () => and Sequelize ORM to fetch the data, and not using Lodash.

const getSubCategoriesRecursive = async (category) => {
  let subCategories = await models.category.findAll({
      where: {
      raw : true

  if (subCategories.length > 0) {
      const promises = [];
      subCategories.forEach(category => {
      category['subCategories'] = await Promise.all(promises);
  else category['subCategories'] = []; 
  return category;

Async functions returning promises, you do not need to precise return new promise(...)