Recursive \peek_meaning inside section title



\NewDocumentCommand \blubb { }
  \peek_meaning_remove:NTF \blubb { \colorTwo } { \colorOne }


\NewDocumentCommand \colorOne { m } {\textcolor{red}{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand \colorTwo { m } {\textcolor{blue}{#1}}


Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}

\section{Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}}
% ^ does not work with hyperref without warnings



But note the console output:

Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding):
(hyperref)                removing `\blubb' on input line 139.

This is because hyperref makes a bookmark for the \section which cannot include the \blubb macro. See hyperref's documentation for details. We can use \texorpdfstring{}{} to avoid the problem.



\NewDocumentCommand \blubb { }
  \peek_meaning_remove:NTF \blubb { \colorTwo } { \colorOne }


\NewDocumentCommand \colorOne { m } {\textcolor{red}{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand \colorTwo { m } {\textcolor{blue}{#1}}


Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}

\section{Lorem Ipsum \texorpdfstring{\blubb}{}{is red} Dolor Sit \texorpdfstring{\blubb\blubb}{}{is blue}}


A more convenient way to avoid the warning, however, maybe to use hyperref's hook to disable \blubb when necessary. For example (and also using the recommended bookmark package):



\NewDocumentCommand \blubb { }
  \peek_meaning_remove:NTF \blubb { \colorTwo } { \colorOne }


\NewDocumentCommand \colorOne { m } {\textcolor{red}{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand \colorTwo { m } {\textcolor{blue}{#1}}



Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}

\section{Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}}


A different approach.





Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}

Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red}Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}without trailing spaces.

\section{Lorem Ipsum \blubb{is red} Dolor Sit \blubb\blubb{is blue}}
% ^ does not work with hyperref


enter image description here

As cfr rightly notes, \blubb generates warnings when used in section titles using hyperref, for the purposes of creating bookmarks. It can be overcome with \texorpdfstring, us as follows: \section{Lorem Ipsum \texorpdfstring{\blubb{is red}}{is red} Dolor Sit \texorpdfstring{\blubb\blubb{is blue}}{is blue}}, for example.