RecyclerView inside SwipeRefreshLayout inside NestedScrollViewLayout cannot scroll

You put RecyclerView inside the NestedScrollView.
I think better solution is to have NestedScrollView or RecyclerView but not both, because RecyclerView is already implementing NestedScrollingChild.

I have similar layout in my app. I did the same - put RecyclerView to FrameLayout and then inside the NestedScrollView. It's stop to work correctly. Without NestedScrollView everything works fine.

Two things:

First of all you don't have to embed your fragment container in NestedScrollView if you want a scrolling behavior in your activity.

Put FrameLayout directly into Coordinator layout with layout_behavior attribute in it, then simply put any fragment with scrolling View (and it don't have to have layout_behavior attr).

So in your example you should have to fragments:

FragmentA that has layout with CardView inside NestedScrollView FragmentB with RecyclerView inside SwipeRefreshLayout

Other problem is that you put more then one child in SwipeRefreshLayout, and as stated in documentation it should have only one direct child. source