Redirecting standard input\output in Windows PowerShell

Or you can do:

something like:

$proc = Start-Process "my.exe" "exe commandline arguments" -PassThru -wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardError "path to error file" -redirectstandardinput "path to a file from where input comes"

if you want to know if process errored out, add following code:

$exitCode = $proc.get_ExitCode()

if ($exitCode){
    $errItem = Get-Item "path to error file"
    if ($errItem.length -gt 0){
        $errors = Get-Content "path to error file" | Out-String

I find that this way I do have a better handle on execution of your scripts, when you need to handle external program/process. Otherwise I have encountered situations where script would hang out on some of external process errors.

For output redirection you can use:

  command >  filename      Redirect command output to a file (overwrite)

  command >> filename      APPEND into a file

  command 2> filename      Redirect Errors 

Input redirection works in a different way. For example see this Cmdlet

If there is someone looking for 'Get-Content' alternative for large files (as me) you can use CMD in PowerShell:

cmd.exe /c ".\program < .\input.txt"

Or you can use this PowerShell command:

Start-Process .\program.exe -RedirectStandardInput .\input.txt -NoNewWindow -Wait

It will run the program synchronously in same window. But I was not able to find out how to write result from this command to a variable when I run it in PowerShell script because it always writes data to the console.


To get output from Start-Process you can use option


for redirecting output to file and then read it from file:

Start-Process ".\program.exe" -RedirectStandardInput ".\input.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput ".\temp.txt" -NoNewWindow -Wait
$Result = Get-Content ".\temp.txt"

You can't hook a file directly to stdin, but you can still access stdin.

Get-Content input.txt | ./program > output.txt