Reduce Android Studio Project Size
Yes, you can safely delete the intermediates
folder. You can even delete the whole build
folder that contains intermediates
The build
folder and it's contents will be re-generated the next time you run/build your project though.
Please find the batch file I use to do that. Set the batch under the root of your project directories. Hoping it helps.
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem Export an ANDROID STUDIO application
@rem ##########################################################################
echo off
echo _________________________________________
echo ANDROID-STUDIO files sources export
echo _________________________________________
echo If directory name includes space
echo - Surround name with quotes
echo _________________________________________
set /p dirname= Dir name to export :
if %dirname% == "" goto ERROR
set str=%dirname%
mkdir c:\EXPORT\%str%
xcopy %dirname% c:\EXPORT\%str% /s
del c:\EXPORT\%str%\*.iml
del c:\EXPORT\%str%\app\*.apk
rmdir c:\EXPORT\%str%\.gradle /s /q
rmdir c:\EXPORT\%str%\.idea /s /q
rmdir c:\EXPORT\%str%\build /s /q
erase c:\EXPORT\%str%\app\build /f /s /q
rmdir c:\EXPORT\%str%\app\build /s /q
goto END
echo Cannot create, check the directory root
goto OUT
echo _________________________________________
echo _________________________________________
echo Export ended, check c:\EXPORT
The file .gitignore containted in the project created by AndroidStudio lists all files / patterns not to be stored in the git repository, i.e. those files that are not required for building the project. Therefore, it should be safe to remove all files / directories matching the patterns listed in the .gitignore file.
In my projects it lists:
In Android Studio, go to the Terminal window. If you did not go to a different directory since you opened the IDE, you should find yourself on the top level of your project folder (something like ../Android Studio/projectname). There you simply type
./gradlew clean
That's it. I just reduced my project folder size from 589 MB to 21 MB.