redux saga and history.push

I usually handle conditional navigation like that in the saga.

The simplest answer with the existing code is to pass a history object as a prop in the SUBMIT_USERNAME_PASSWORD action and do the history.push() call in the success case of the saga, something like:

const onSubmitClick = ({username, password}) => {
  const { history } = this.props;

  return {
    payload: {username, password, history}


function* shootAPI(action){
    const res = yield call(shootApiTokenAuth, action.payload);
    const { history } = action.payload;

    yield put({
      type: REQUEST_SUCCESS,
      payload: res

    yield put({
      type: REQUEST_FAILED,
      payload: err

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';    

yield put(push('/path-to-go'));

solved my problem