Reference as key in swift dictionary

Swift 3

This based on the great code snippet in Martin R's answer with insightful comment from Christopher Swasey

class Test: Hashable, Equatable {
    lazy var hashValue: Int = ObjectIdentifier(self).hashValue

    static func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
        return lhs === rhs

var dictionary = [Test: String]()
let a = Test()
let b = Test()
dictionary[a] = "A"
print(dictionary[a]) // Optional("A")
print(dictionary[b]) // nil

Equality can be implemented as object identity, i.e. a == b iff a and b refer to the same instance of the class, and the hash value can be build from the ObjectIdentifier (which is the same for identical objects, compare e.g. Difference between using ObjectIdentifier() and '===' Operator):

For Swift 4.2 and later:

class Test : Hashable {
    static func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
        return lhs === rhs

    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

For Swift 3:

class Test : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { return ObjectIdentifier(self).hashValue }

func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
    return lhs === rhs

For Swift 2.3 and earlier, you can use

/// Return an UnsafePointer to the storage used for `object`.  There's
/// not much you can do with this other than use it to identify the
/// object
func unsafeAddressOf(object: AnyObject) -> UnsafePointer<Void>


class Test : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { return unsafeAddressOf(self).hashValue }

func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
    return lhs === rhs


var dictionary = [Test: String]()
let a = Test()
let b = Test()
dictionary[a] = "A"
print(dictionary[a]) // Optional("A")
print(dictionary[b]) // nil

implement the Equatable protocol.