Regex to match words with hyphens and/or apostrophes

[\w'-]+ would match pretty much any occurrence of words with (or without) hyphens and apostrophes, but also in cases where those characters are adjacent. (?:\w|['-]\w)+ should match cases where the characters can't be adjacent.

If you need to be sure that the word contains hyphens and/or apostrophes and that those characters aren't adjacent maybe try \w*(?:['-](?!['-])\w*)+. But that would also match ' and - alone.

use this pattern



(?=                 # Look-Ahead
  \S                # <not a whitespace character>
  *                 # (zero or more)(greedy)
  ['-]              # Character in ['-] Character Class
)                   # End of Look-Ahead
(                   # Capturing Group (1)
  [a-zA-Z'-]        # Character in [a-zA-Z'-] Character Class
  +                 # (one or more)(greedy)
)                   # End of Capturing Group (1)