Reindex single product
This works fine in Magento CE 1.6 and newer:
$event = Mage::getSingleton('index/indexer')->logEvent(
->getProcessByCode('catalog_url') // Adjust the indexer process code as needed
The available indexer codes can be viewed using the query:
SELECT indexer_code FROM index_process;
In a native Magento 1.7 there are:
| indexer_code |
| cataloginventory_stock |
| catalogsearch_fulltext |
| catalog_category_flat |
| catalog_category_product |
| catalog_product_attribute |
| catalog_product_flat |
| catalog_product_price |
| catalog_url |
| groupscatalog2_category |
| groupscatalog2_product |
| tag_summary |
In Magento EE 1.13 it's different, there the indexer automatically picks up changed entities on each cron run (every minute).
The above answer is 100% correct anyway I think the below information can add something more.
If you need to change just few attributes values in a product and automatically update the relative index table you can use this function:
if you want to manage the reindex by your own use the resourse model instead:
For example I use the following function to fast update only certain attributes in a product.
public function updateProductAttribute($product_id, $arrayChanges, $reindex = true)
if (!is_array($product_id)) {
$product_id = array($product_id);
// ths should trigger all required reindex
$update = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/product_action');
// Update value
if (!$reindex) {
$update = Mage::getResourceSingleton('catalog/product_action');
$update->updateAttributes($product_id, $arrayChanges, 0);
If you need to change the same attribute/values couple in a group of products you can pass the whole array of product_ids
I presume you mean you want to reindex a product after you edit it in the admin ui. The easiest method is to just set the indexer mode to "update on save". You would have to do this for all the indexers related to products that you are using, probably including: Product Attributes, Product Prices, Product Flat Data, Category Products, Stock Status.
This will probably slow down product saving though.
Alternatively perhaps this link will help. Please see the comments as well as they describe how to update the stock as well.
Make sure you're not doing this on frontend nor upgrade scripts, and currently loaded store is "admin". Otherwise, $product->save() will not work at all. Check first, that saving a product has effect.