Release history of the app in AppStore/iTunes Connect
Go to Google and search for
"<app name> App Store"
One of the first results should be the App Store page (on Click it
Click "Version History" in the What's New section
View detailed historic release notes, version numbers, upload dates
Follow the steps to track your all app version release to App Store.
1. Login using your developer account credential.
2. Choose My Apps from all available services.
3. From all available apps, choose a particular app whose details you wants to check.
4. Choose Activity from top menu bar.
5. From iOS History (at left side bar) choose App Store Versions
You will find list of release version for that app. For release date click on detail disclosure button.
It's available in iTunes. Just search for your app click on the Show All Version
Since the redesign of ItunesConnect this has moved to Pricing and Availability
. Here you will find Last-Compatible Version Settings
where you can selected the available versions.