remote git repository code example

Example 1: git remote

git remote add origin <repository url> # adds a repo to your project

git remote								# lists all the repos of your project
git config --get remote.origin.url		# prints the url of a repo
git push origin master					# updates the master branch of your repo

git remote remove origin				# removes the repo from your project

Example 2: git set remote

git remote set-url origin

Example 3: adding remote origin git

git remote add origin <link>

Example 4: git remote

git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Example 5: git add remote

git remote add heroku
git remote -v
-> heroku (fetch)
-> heroku (push)

git remote remove heroku
git remote -v

Example 6: git remote

git remote add origin [your-repository]


Misc Example