Remove border color for navbar-toggler Hamburger icon - Bootstrap 4

this worked for me in Bootstrap 4.

.navbar-toggler-icon:focus {
    outline: none;
    box-shadow: none;

Please note: the outline is there for an important reason, accessibility! Especially for folks that can't use a mouse or who have a visual impairment. Please see and consider adding some other style to the toggler when it is active/focused.

To change or remove the border color when clicking on the burger icon for the Bootstrap navbar icon. You need to go into the bootstrap.min.css file and go to the button:focus class. Change it there or remove the outline completely. Like so:

button:focus {

outline: 1px dotted;
outline: 5px auto -webkit-focusring-color;


Actuallly for Bootstrap, they dont use border for the nav focus they use outline

You can remove it width: {
    outline: none!important;

Hope this help :> {
    outline: none!important;
<nav class="navbar sticky-top navbar-expand-lg" style="background-color: #eeeeee">
  <button class="navbar-toggler ml-auto hidden-sm-up float-xs-right" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarToggler" aria-controls="navbarToggler" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
    <span><i class="fa fa-navicon"></i></span>

  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarToggler">
    <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto mt-2 mt-lg-0">
      <li class="nav-item active">
        <a class="nav-link active" routerLink="/about" routerLinkActive="active">
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" routerLink="/projects" routerLinkActive="active">
      <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" routerLink="/contact" routerLinkActive="active">

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