Remove first character of a string in Bash
You can pipe it to
cut -c2-
Which gives you
while read line
echo $line | cut -c2- | md5sum
./ < directory_listnitg.txt
remove first n characters from a line or string
method 1) using bash
str="price: 9832.3"
echo "${str:7}"
method 2) using cut
str="price: 9832.3"
cut -c8- <<< $str
method 3) using sed
str="price: 9832.3"
sed 's/^.\{7\}//' <<< $str
method 4) using awk
str="price: 9832.3"
awk '{gsub(/^.{7}/,"");}1' <<< $str
Starting at character number 1 of myString (character 0 being the left-most character) return the remainder of the string. The "s allow for spaces in the string. For more information on that aspect look at $IFS.
There ia a very easy way to achieve this:
Suppose that we don't want the prefix "i-" from the variable
$ ROLE_TAG=role
$ INSTANCE_ID=i-123456789
You just need to add '#'+[your_exclusion_pattern], e.g: