Replacing Text Inside of Curley Braces JavaScript

The best way I have found to do this, is to use an in-line replace function like others have mentioned, and from whom I borrowed. Special shout out to @yannic-hamann for the regex and clear example. I am not worried about performance, as I am only doing this to construct paths.

I found my solution in MDN's docs.

const interpolateUrl = (string, values) => string.replace(/{(.*?)}/g, (match, offset) => values[offset]);

const path = 'theresalways/{what}/inthe/{fruit}-stand/{who}';
const paths = {
  what: 'money',
  fruit: 'banana',
  who: 'michael',

const expected = 'theresalways/money/inthe/banana-stand/michael';

const url = interpolateUrl(path, paths);

console.log(`Is Equal: ${expected === url}`);
console.log(`URL: ${url}`)

First, String.replace is not destructive - it doesn't change the string itself, so you'll have to set myString = myString.replace(...). Second, you can create RegExp objects dynamically with new RegExp, so the result of all that would be:

var myString = "This is {name}'s {adjective} {type} in JavaScript! Yes, a {type}!",
    replaceArray = ['name', 'adjective', 'type'],
    replaceWith = ['John', 'simple', 'string'];

for(var i = 0; i < replaceArray.length; i++) {
    myString = myString.replace(new RegExp('{' + replaceArray[i] + '}', 'gi'), replaceWith[i]);