Requires Babel "7.0.0-0" but was loaded with "6.26.3"

Looks like you need to install babel-core as the docs suggest:

yarn add --dev babel-jest babel-core@^7.0.0-bridge.0 @babel/core regenerator-runtime

Test which version you are running with cmd

babel -V

If it is not verion 7 or higher

npm uninstall babel-cli -g
npm uninstall babel-core -g


npm install @babel/cli -g
npm install @babel/core -g

If you are using Jest run

npm install [email protected] --save-dev

Uninstall and reinstall @babel/node solves the problem if you do node development.

For the ones who still fighting that, 4 days ago Jest v24 released with native support for babel 7. enjoy.

Sometimes its because you have installed both babel-cli and babel/cli, or babel-core and @babel/core It causes conflicts


1) delete node_modules

2) remove babel-cli, babel-core from your package.json, keep @babel/core, @babel/cli

3) npm install

babel-cli conflicts with @babel/cli

bable-core conflicts with @babel/core