Resharper ctrl click not working Visual Studio 2015

So after tearing my non-existent hair out, re-starting the machine and upgrading resharper, I managed to solve this.

Resharper - Options - Environment - Search & Navigation - Rich mouse navigation in the editor.

Untick Go to Declaration on Control + Left Click

Untick Go to Implementation on Control + Alt + Left Click

For some reason unticking these actually enables the feature? I'm presuming that I have some feature overriding these somewhere.

Anyway it solved my issue, hopefully this helps someone else in the future with the same issue.


My original answer is a red herring. Resharper has got itself in a mess.

I cleared my resharper cache, restarted visual studio and my machine. I then re-ticked rich mouse navigation in the editor and this resolved the issue for me. Sorry for any confusion.

Thank you @SmartK8 for your answer. I have Visual Studio 2017 (15.4.4) and ReSharper 2017.2.1. I have found that CTRL-Click will actually navigate twice in this scenario. It is super annoying and depending on where your mouse is and where you land you can actually navigate twice.
You can tell this is happening because of the "double underline" on the navigation UI hint. Check it out:

enter image description here

To turn off Visual Studio's navigate option, go to: Tools > Options > Text Editor > General. And vote up @SmartK8's answer for this wisdom! Now only ReSharper's navigation will remain.

Alternately, you can turn off ReSharper's navigation by going to ReSharper > Options > Search & Navigation. Uncheck Rich mouse navigation in the editor.

I have decided to keep ReSharper's navigation since I can go to definition or implementation. (Going to implementation is nice when a method is declared in an interface).

Haha, and for the double underline? The underline that is 1 pixel below is the Visual Studio one. The underline that is 3 pixels below is the ReSharper one!

There's one more possible culprit (at least in Visual Studio 2017). If none of the solutions work (like for me). You should go to:

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General

and turn off the Enable mouse click to perform Go To Definition or change the modifier key to something else.

Got Productivity Power Tools installed? It also has a go to definition that clashes with Resharper's.

Turn off Productivity Power Tools' "Control-Click Go To Definition" in Options => Productivity Power Tools => Turn Extensions On/Off.

I'd imagine the same goes for any other extension that does the same thing. Try finding them by typing "Control click" in the Quick Launch TextBox at the top-right of Visual Studio.

Probable duplicate: