Retrieve file over serial without kermit and lrzsz

Finally found out that I was issuing the wrong command on receiver's side.

Receive command shall be : cat < /dev/ttyUSB0 > file_b64


To receive from remote :

          Host side                |             Remote side
                                   |    #Encode to base64
                                   |    cat file | base64 > file_b64
                                   |    #Send after timeout
                                   |    (sleep 10; cat file_b64 > /dev/ttyS0) &
       ### Exit minicom but keep configuration (ctrlA-Z, then Q) ###
#Receive file                      |
cat < /dev/ttyUSB0 > file_b64      |
#Decode file                       |
cat file_b64 | base64 -di > file   |

Summarizing above posts i found something like this:


Start receiving on target:

cat | base64 -d > filetotarget.bin

Exit minicom with Ctrl-A + Q and then run on host machine:

cat filetotarget.bin | base64 > /dev/ttyUSB0

Return to minicom and press Ctrl-D to finish receive process.


Start delayed send on target:

sleep 10 ; cat filefromtarget.bin | base64

Exit minicom with Ctrl-A + Q. Then start receiving on host:

cat < /dev/ttyUSB0 | base64 -di > filefromtarget.bin