Returning multiple SERIAL values from Posgtres batch insert

You can use RETURNING with multiple values:

psql=> create table t (id serial not null, x varchar not null);
psql=> insert into t (x) values ('a'),('b'),('c') returning id;
(3 rows)

So you want something more like this:

INSERT INTO AutoKeyEntity (Name,Description,EntityKey) VALUES
('AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a','Testing 5/4/2011 8:59:43 AM',DEFAULT)
returning EntityKey;
INSERT INTO AutoKeyEntityListed (EntityKey,Listed,ItemIndex) VALUES
(CURRVAL('autokeyentity_entityKey_seq'),'Test 1 AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a', 0),
(CURRVAL('autokeyentity_entityKey_seq'),'Test 2 AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a', 1),
(CURRVAL('autokeyentity_entityKey_seq'),'Test 3 AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a', 2)
returning EntityKey;
-- etc.

And then you'll have to gather the returned EntityKey values from each statement in your transaction.

You could try to grab the sequence's current value at the beginning and end of the transaction and use those to figure out which sequence values were used but that is not reliable:

Furthermore, although multiple sessions are guaranteed to allocate distinct sequence values, the values might be generated out of sequence when all the sessions are considered. For example, with a cache setting of 10, session A might reserve values 1..10 and return nextval=1, then session B might reserve values 11..20 and return nextval=11 before session A has generated nextval=2. Thus, with a cache setting of one it is safe to assume that nextval values are generated sequentially; with a cache setting greater than one you should only assume that the nextval values are all distinct, not that they are generated purely sequentially. Also, last_value will reflect the latest value reserved by any session, whether or not it has yet been returned by nextval.

So, even if your sequences have cache values of one you can still have non-contiguous sequence values in your transaction. However, you might be safe if the sequence's cache value matches the number of INSERTs in your transaction but I'd guess that that's going to be too large to make sense.

UPDATE: I just noticed (thanks to the questioner's comments) that there are two tables involved, got a bit lost in the wall of text.

In that case, you should be able to use the current INSERTS:

INSERT INTO AutoKeyEntity (Name,Description,EntityKey) VALUES
('AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a','Testing 5/4/2011 8:59:43 AM',DEFAULT)
returning EntityKey;
INSERT INTO AutoKeyEntityListed (EntityKey,Listed,ItemIndex) VALUES
(CURRVAL('autokeyentity_entityKey_seq'),'Test 1 AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a', 0),
(CURRVAL('autokeyentity_entityKey_seq'),'Test 2 AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a', 1),
(CURRVAL('autokeyentity_entityKey_seq'),'Test 3 AutoKey 254e3c64-485e-42a4-b1cf-d2e1e629df6a', 2);
-- etc.

And grab the EntityKey values one at a time from the INSERTs on AutoEntityKey. Some sort of script might be needed to handle the RETURNING values. You could also wrap the AutoKeyEntity and related AutoKeyEntityListed INSERTs in a function, then use INTO to grab the EntityKey value and return it from the function:

INSERT INTO AutoKeyEntity /*...*/ RETURNING EntityKey INTO ek;
/* AutoKeyEntityListed INSERTs ... */

you can pre-assign consecutive ids using this:

SELECT setval(seq, nextval(seq) + num_rows - 1, true) as stop

it should be a faster alternative to calling nextval() gazillions of times.

you could also store ids in a temporary table:

create temporary blah (
  id int
) on commit drop;

insert into table1 (...) values (...)
returning id into blah;

in postgres 9.1, can able to use CTEs:

ids as (
insert into table1 (...) values (...)
    returning id
insert into table2 (...)
select ...
from ids;

