Reverse and square

Mathematica, 42 21 bytes

Thanks to alephalpha for halving the score.


The actual reason I did this in Mathematica was because I wanted to look at a plot... it sure looks funny:

enter image description here

Japt, 29 28 11 7 bytes

(You can save the program as a 7-byte IEC_8859-1-encoded file, then upload it to the interpreter.)

Japt is shortened JavaScript made by ETHproductions.

¢w n2 ²

Try it online!


  1. ¢ is shortcut to Us2, which compiles to U.s(2). U is input (implicit), .s(2) called by a number, invokes .toString(2) (converts to binary, parses as string).

  2. w compiles to .w(), which reverses the string (.split('').reverse().join('')).

  3. n2 works as parseInt(<number>,2), i.e. converts binary to decimal.

  4. ² invokes Math.pow(<number>,2), i.e. squares the number.

Minkolang 0.14, 43 bytes

Thanks to Mego for inspiring this.


Test the code here and check all test cases here.


This uses this recurrence relation:

a(0) = 0
a(1) = 1
a(2n) = a(n)
a(2n+1) = a(n) + 2^(floor(log_2(n))+1)

If n is the input, then a(n) is the resulting number after its binary sequence has been flipped. 0 and 1 are obvious. For a(2n) = a(n), consider that x0 (where x is any sequence of binary digits) flipped is 0x, which is the same as x. For a(2n+1), the reasoning is a bit more complicated. x1 flipped is 1x, which is equal to x + 2^k for some k. This k is one more than the number of digits in x, which is floor(log_2(n))+1. The full formula follows, except that it's modified a bit. This is what I actually code:

a(0) = 0
a(1) = 1
a(n) = a(n//2) + (n%2) * 2^(floor(log_2(n - n%2)))

As Mego and I worked out in chat, floor(n/2) = (n - n%2)/2. Thus, log_2(floor(n/2))+1 = log_2(n - n%2). Furthermore, multiplying by (n%2) collapses both the odd and even parts into one expression.

Finally, without any further ado, here's the code, explained.

n                                              Take number from input
 1{                                            Start recursion that takes only one element
   d1`,                                        1 if top of stack 0 or 1, 0 otherwise
       2$3*                                    26
           &                                   Jump if top of stack is not zero
            $z                                 Store top of stack in register (z)
               zd2%-                           n - n%2
                    2l$M                       log_2(n - n%2)
                        d1%-                   floor(log_2(n - n%2))
              2             ;                  2^floor(log_2(n - n%2))
                             z2%               n%2
                                *              Multiply
                                 z2:           n//2
                                    {          Recurse
                                     +         Add
                                      }        Return
                                       2;N.    Square it, output as number, and stop.