Reverse Array, Let Elements in New Array Equal Length of Original Array Elements - JavaScript

First construct the full reversed string, eg


Then, from an array of the initial lengths (which can be done with a .map in advance), iterate over that array and slice that length from the reversed string, and push to an array:

function ultimateReverse(array) {
  const lengths ={ length }) => length);
  let reversedStr = [...array.join("")].reverse().join('');
  const result = [];
  lengths.forEach((length) => {
    result.push(reversedStr.slice(0, length));
    reversedStr = reversedStr.slice(length);
  return result;

console.log(ultimateReverse(["I", "like", "big", "butts", "and", "I", "cannot", "lie!"]));

You could also keep the initial reversed data as an array that you splice from, instead of reassigning reversedStr:

function ultimateReverse(array) {
  const lengths ={ length }) => length);
  const reversedChars = [...array.join('')].reverse();
    length => reversedChars.splice(0, length).join('')

console.log(ultimateReverse(["I", "like", "big", "butts", "and", "I", "cannot", "lie!"]));