Rewrite root address to a subdirectory in nginx

I found help in the nginx irc chat.

Basically what I needed to do was use a return instead of rewrite. So I changed this:

location = / {
    rewrite "^$" /wiki/Main_Page;

to this:

location = / {
    return 301;

  1. Make sure "/wiki/Main_Page" can be successfully accessed
  2. Check in the server section, there are no global rewrite rules. Rewrite rules in server section will be executed before location section.
  3. Using rewrite rules in location section like this:

    location = / {
         rewrite "^.*$" /wiki/Main_Page break;    

Pay attention "break" here. Means break out the rewrite cycle.

If this page is located in backend server, here should use proxy_pass.

I prefer to use:

location = / {
    return 301 http://$host/wiki/Main_Page;

The answer you used is a redirect, making you skip the / location to a /wiki location, You can try this instead

location = / {
    rewrite ^ /w/index.php?title=Main_Page&$args last;

This should server the Main_Page for the / URI

