Rotate lines around their midpoint
grF := Function[{angle},
Graphics[{Thick, Dashed, Black, Line@#,
Red, GeometricTransformation[Line@#,
RotationTransform[angle, Mean@#]],
Black, PointSize[Large], Point[Mean@#],
Text[ToString[Mean@#], Mean@# + 2]} & /@ #] &]
ListAnimate[Table[Show[grF[i]@foo, PlotRange -> {{50, 250}, {0, 100}}],
{i, -Pi, Pi, Pi/32}]]
foo = {{{100, 25}, {150, 45}}, {{200, 45}, {240, 85}}};
Graphics[{Line@#, Blue, Rotate[Line@#, t, Mean@#], Transparent,
Circle[Mean@#,EuclideanDistance @@ #/2]} & /@ foo], {t,0, 2 Pi}]
The transparent circles are there to pre-calculate the maximum Plot Range.
lines = {{{100, 25}, {150, 45}}, {{200, 45}, {240, 85}}};
f[{p1_, p2_}, theta_] := Module[{mid},
mid = (p2 - p1)/2 + p1;
RotationTransform[theta, mid][#] & /@ {p1, p2}
lines2 = f[#, Pi/6] & /@ lines;
Graphics[{Red, Line[lines], Blue, Line[lines2]}]
lines = {{{100, 25}, {150, 45}}, {{200, 45}, {240, 85}}};
lines2 = RotationTransform[Pi/6, (#2 - #1)/2 + #1][{#1, #2}] & @@@ lines;
Graphics[{Red, Line[lines], Blue, Line[lines2]}]