Rotation Interpolation

I know this is 2 years old, but I've recently been looking around for the same problem and I don't see an elegant solution without ifs posted in here, so here it goes:

    shortest_angle=((((end - start) % 360) + 540) % 360) - 180;
    return shortest_angle * amount;

that's it

ps: of course, % is meaning modulo and shortest_angle is the variable that holds the whole interpolation angle

Sorry, that was a bit convoluted, here's a more concise version:

    public static float LerpDegrees(float start, float end, float amount)
        float difference = Math.Abs(end - start);
        if (difference > 180)
            // We need to add on to one of the values.
            if (end > start)
                // We'll add it on to start...
                start += 360;
                // Add it on to end.
                end += 360;

        // Interpolate it.
        float value = (start + ((end - start) * amount));

        // Wrap it..
        float rangeZero = 360;

        if (value >= 0 && value <= 360)
            return value;

        return (value % rangeZero);

Anyone got a more optimised version?