Rounded corners cardView don't work in RecyclerView - Android?

It turns out that calling View.setBackgroundColor(int) on a CardView removes the rounded corners.

To change the background colour of a card and retain the corners, one needs to call CardView.setCardBackgroundColor(int) instead.

That may be the case for certain visitors to this post.

When subclassing CardView, I suggest adding the following method to protect your corners from accidental removal:

 * Override prevents {@link View#setBackgroundColor(int)} being called,
 * which removes the rounded corners.
public void setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt int backgroundColor) {

In particular, I was working on a custom view implementation for React Native, and React was automatically applying a background colour to the view. This override solved that problem; it means other developers do not need to know the details of the underlying view.

use this in topmost layout declaration in xml layout file:


This solved the problem for me.

Try adding this two attributes in your card view


Here is the documentation for the first attribute (which contains reference to the second)

This should do the trick