Router.use() requires middleware function but got a undefined

because you are exporting module with a function inside so you need to return your router at the end of your function at division_model.js

return router;

this should work

You must return a router in your middleware here:

app.use('/division', division_model);

So, your module export function should end with:

return router;

You also have conflicting ideas when setting this up. If you want the app to define the route as /division which you do here:

app.use('/division', division_model);

then you do not need to redefine the route again like you do here:

var router = express.Router();

You can simply:


-- or --

 * division_model.js
var router = express.Router();
//omitting route code
//omitting route code

return router;

 * server.js

app.use('/division', division_model);