Ruby - determining method origins?
To find which instance methods are defined on A
(but not on superclasses):
To find which instance methods are defined on A
AND its superclasses:
To find which class (or module) a given method is defined on:
To find which object is the receiver for a given method:
You can use Object#method
. For example,
[1, 2, 3].method(:each_cons) # => #<Method: Array(Enumerable)#each_cons>
tells that the each_cons method of an Array comes from the Enumerable module.
Get the appropriate Method (or UnboundMethod) object and ask for its owner
. So you could do method(:puts).owner
and get Kernel
returns a Method
object giving meta-data about a given method. For example:
> [].method(:length).inspect
=> "#<Method: Array#length>"
> [].method(:max).inspect
=> "#<Method: Array(Enumerable)#max>"
In Ruby 1.8.7 and later, you can use Method#owner
to determine the class or module that defined the method.
To get a list of all the methods with the name of the class or module where they are defined you could do something like the following:
obj.methods.collect {|m| "#{m} defined by #{obj.method(m).owner}"}