Run a command before any terminal command
You might want to look into setting a DEBUG
trap, which allows you to set up what is effectively a pre-exec hook in a manner similar to zsh
. See
Bash has the concept of assigning a function to ps1 so mine looks like
export PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1=$(make_ps1); set_xterm_title'
where make_ps1 is
if [ $? = 0 ];then
echo '\[\e[${host_color}m\][\D{%F %T} \u@\h \W]\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
echo '\[\e[7m\e[${host_color}m\][\D{%F %T} \u@\h \W]\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
you should be able to leverage that to do whatever you want, but it will run after the command is executed so this might not work for what you need.