Run as cucumber feature not showing in eclipse

As, when you open a feature file in Eclipse and right-click, then you do not find an option 'Run As->Cucumber Feature', it appears that your Eclipse do not have the required Cucumber Eclipse Plug-in. You can install this plug-in using following steps:

  1. Launch Eclipse and navigate to 'Help->Install New Software'.
  2. Click on 'Add' button
  3. Enter any name e.g. 'Cucumber' and type '' as location.
  4. Click on OK.
  5. 'Cucumber Eclipse Plugin' option will appear in the available software list.
  6. Select the check box against it and click on 'Next' button.
  7. Read the terms of license agreement and click on 'I accept the terms of the license agreement” if you agree with the license terms.
  8. Click on 'Finish' button.
  9. Let it install, it will take few seconds to complete.

After successful installation of this plug-in, if you open any feature file (i.e. file with .feature extension) and right-click, you should see 'Run As->Cucumber Feature' option.

Update 1

In Eclipse, go to 'Windows->Preferences->Run/Debug/Launching/Launch Configuration' and uncheck 'Cucumber Feature' checkbox if it is checked. Refer to below screen shot for more details:

enter image description here

If it is a maven project make sure you have included it as a dependency. If you are running it as automation it would be a good idea to set it up as a maven project.

It's hard from your brief description, but if you are seeing the 'Run as Cucumber Feature' but it isn't doing anything, I had to open up the feature, right click on the white space in it, and then run as Cucumber Feature there. For some reason that worked for me.