Run two Kotlin coroutines inside coroutine in parallel

You can use awaitAll for that purpose:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

suspend fun sendDataAndAwaitAcknowledge() = coroutineScope {
    awaitAll(async {
    }, async {

fun sendData() = true

fun awaitAcknowledge() = false

fun main() {
    runBlocking {
        println(sendDataAndAwaitAcknowledge()) // [false, true]

Use like this pattern:

    suspend fun sendDataAndAwaitAcknowledge() {
     val one = async { sendData() }
     val two = async { awaitAcknowledge() }
     println("The result is ${one.await() + two.await()}")

as you can see, two suspending functions are called in third one and in parallel, the third suspending fun will wait to the two others finish their tasks.