Running an async background task in Tornado
I have a time-consuming task in post request, maybe more than 30 minutes need, but client required return a result immediately.
First, I used IOLoop.current().spawn_callback. It works! but! If the first request task is running, second request task blocked! Because all tasks are in main event loop when use spawn_callback, so one task is synchronous execution, other tasks blocked.
Last, I use tornado.concurrent. Example:
import datetime
import time
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
import tornado.web
from tornado import concurrent
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(8)
class Handler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
def task(arg):
for i in range(10):
print(arg, i)
self.write('request accepted')
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", Handler),
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = make_app()
app.listen(8000, '')
and visit, you can see it's run ok:
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Want to help everyone!
I recommend using toro. It provides a relatively simple mechanism for setting up a background queue of tasks.
The following code (put in for example), starts a simple "worker()" that simply waits until there is something in his queue. If you call queue.add(function,async,*args,**kwargs)
this adds an item to the queue which will wake up worker() which then kicks off the task.
I added the async parameter so that this can support background tasks wrapped in @gen.coroutine and those without.
import toro,tornado.gen
queue = toro.Queue()
def add(function,async,*args,**kwargs):
item = dict(function=function,async=async,args=args,kwargs=kwargs)
yield queue.put(item)
def worker():
while True:
print("worker() sleeping until I get next item")
item = yield queue.get()
print("worker() waking up to process: %s" % item)
if item['async']:
yield item['function'](*item['args'],**item['kwargs'])
except Exception as e:
print("worker() failed to run item: %s, received exception:\n%s" % (item,e))
def start():
yield worker()
In your main tornado app:
import queue
And now you can schedule a back ground task quite simply:
def my_func(arg1,somekwarg=None):
print("in my_func() with %s %s" % (arg1,somekwarg))
Update: Since Tornado 4.0 (July 2014), the below functionality is available in the IOLoop.spawn_callback method.
Unfortunately it's kind of tricky. You need to both detach the background task from the current request (so that a failure in the background task doesn't result in a random exception thrown into the request) and ensure that something is listening to the background task's result (to log its errors if nothing else). This means something like this:
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.stack_context import run_in_stack_context, NullContext
IOLoop.current().add_future(run_in_stack_context(NullContext(), self._background_task),
lambda f: f.result())
Something like this will probably be added to tornado itself in the future.