Running apt-get autoremove with ansible

Solution 1:

Support for the apt-get option --auto-remove is now built into Ansible's apt (option autoremove) as of version 2.1 Official documentation is at

- name: Remove dependencies that are no longer required
    autoremove: yes

The merge happened here.

Note that autoclean is also available as of 2.4

Solution 2:

This simplified method requires one task only

  - name: Autoremove unused packages
    command: apt-get -y autoremove
    register: autoremove_output
    changed_when: "'The following packages will be REMOVED' in autoremove_output.stdout"

Solution 3:

You can do it with command (untested):

  - name: Check if anything needs autoremoving
    shell: apt-get -y --dry-run autoremove | grep -q "0 to remove"
    register: check_autoremove
    ignore_errors: True
    changed_when: False
    always_run: True

  - name: Autoremove unused packages
    command: apt-get -y autoremove
    when: "check_autoremove.rc != 0"

However, I think it could be risky to run autoremove automatically. Because of system administration errors that you've made in the past (these could be in your ansible code), it's possible that a package that is needed can at some point be falsely detected as autoremovable, and this could stop the server from working. On the other hand, it's no big deal to leave unused packages on the system, and it's not very common unless you make a major change in the server's setup.

Therefore, I would stay away from autoremoving packages without confirmation from a human.

Solution 4:

This is a variation on the solution Antonis Christofides provided. It is tested and works for me. I avoided using ignore_errors in the check command. Otherwise it generally takes the same approach.

- name: Check if packages need to be autoremoved
  command: apt-get --dry-run autoremove
  register: check_autoremove
  changed_when: False
- name: Autoremove unused packages
  command: apt-get -y autoremove
  when: "'packages will be REMOVED' in check_autoremove.stdout"

Solution 5:

A variation that highlights the change in packages (first task will be appropriately colored green or yellow):

  - name: check if packages need to be autoremoved
    shell: apt-get --dry-run autoremove | grep "to remove" | sed "s/^[0-9]\+ upgraded, [0-9]\+ newly installed, \([0-9]\+\) to remove and [0-9]\+ not upgraded\.$/\1/"
    register: check_autoremove
    changed_when: check_autoremove.stdout != "0"

  - name: autoremove unused packages
    command: apt-get -y autoremove
    when: check_autoremove.changed


