Running JavaFX application with JDK 11+
OpenJFX bundled with your app
The Answer by José Pereda is correct about bundling JavaFX libraries within your app.
OpenJFX bundled with Java
An alternative is for your users to have installed an implementation of Java on their machines that includes the OpenJFX (JavaFX) libraries. This approach may be unworkable for apps broadly distributed to the public. But for apps within a controlled environment such as an enterprise or institution, this might be beneficial.
OpenJXF is a sub-project on the OpenJDK project. But JavaFX technology is not defined as a part of Java SE. So some vendors choose to bundle OpenJFX with their OpenJDK-based products, and some do not.
At least two vendors currently ship an implementation of Java SE with OpenJFX included. Both are built on top of OpenJDK. Both have back-ported OpenJFX to Java 8.
- ZuluFX by Azul Systems. See their FAQ.
- LibericaFX by BellSoft. See the middle section of their configurations page.
Here is a flowchart graphic I made to help in choosing a vendor of an implementation of Java. Notice the OpenJFX bundled? branch at the bottom.
JavaFX 11 will be available from Maven Central, so you will be able to include it in your project as any other regular dependency, using Maven:
or Gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'javafx:javafx.controls:11.0.0'
So far (June 2018), this is work in progress, but it should be ready at the time of the JDK 11 release.
For now you can download an early release of the JavaFX standalone SDK from here, as announced recently (May 2018).
Note that in any case, you won't need to build nor OpenJDK neither OpenJFX in any case.
You will find a bunch of jars with the different modules like javafx.base.jar
or javafx.controls.jar
, as well as the required native libraries for your platform.
You can test them with OpenJDK 10 or 11 EA build that you can get from here.
If you have a JavaFX Application class:
public class JavaFX11 extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Scene scene = new Scene(new StackPane(new Label("JavaFX 11")), 300, 200);
you can compile it:
<>/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/javac --module-path <>/javafx-sdk-11/lib/ --add-modules=javafx.controls -d class/ src/<>/
and run it:
cd class
<>/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java --module-path <>/javafx-sdk-11/lib/ --add-modules=javafx.controls <>.JavaFX11
You can use LibericaJDK instead of OpenJDK. It bundled with JavaFX which can save you a lot of configurations. Just need to download the "Full JDK".