SBT Test Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.jpountz.lz4.LZ4BlockInputStream

Kafka has a conflicting dependency with Spark and that's what caused this issue for me.

This is how you can exclude the dependency in you sbt file

lazy val excludeJpountz = ExclusionRule(organization = "net.jpountz.lz4", name = "lz4")

lazy val kafkaClients = "org.apache.kafka" % "kafka-clients" % userKafkaVersionHere excludeAll(excludeJpountz) // add more exclusions here

When you use this kafkaClients dependency it would now exclude the problematic lz4 library.

Update: This appears to be an issue with Kafka 0.11.x.x and earlier version. As of 1.x.x Kafka seems to have moved away from using the problematic net.jpountz.lz4 library. Therefore, using latest Kafka (1.x) with latest Spark (2.3.x) should not have this issue.

This artifact "net.jpountz.lz4:lz4" was moved to: "org.lz4 » lz4-java"

By using; libraryDependencies += "org.lz4" % "lz4-java" % "1.7.1", the issue has been resolved.