Scala pattern matching Java enum value

You can pattern match on Java enums, but you can't call methods in the destructuring part of the match. So this works:

j match { case Jenum.FOO => "yay"; case _ => "boo" }

if j is an instance of your Java enum (cleverly labeled Jenum).

You can however do something like this:

"foo" match {
  case s if s == Jenum.FOO.getValue => "yay"
  case _                            => "boo"

Or you can convert your string to the enum first:

Jenum.values.find(_.getValue == "foo") match {
  case Some(Jenum.FOO) => "yay"
  case _               => "boo"

(you might also want to unwrap the option first to avoid repeating Some(...) so many times).

For reference, this is the test enum I used (

public enum Jenum {
  FOO("foo"), BAR("bar");

  private final String value;
  Jenum(String value) { this.value = value; }

  public String getValue() { return value; }

You receive the comment "method". So scala does not evaluates your function. It tried to call unapply on method.

You can implement something like (in MyEnum class):

 public static MyEnum fromText(String text) {
        for (MyEnum el : values()) {
            if (el.getValue().equals(text)) {
                return el;
        return null;

And then

MyEnum.fromText("foo") match{
 case FOO => ..

You can't use a method call result as a pattern. Instead just write

if (result == YourEnum.FOO.getValue()) { 
} else if {


try {
  val resultAsEnum = YourEnum.valueOf(result)

  resultAsEnum match {
    case YourEnum.FOO => ...
} catch {
  case e: IllegalArgumentException => // didn't correspond to any value of YourEnum