Scalatest or specs2 with multiple test cases
In both ScalaTest and specs2, it is easy to create test cases at run-time, in order to parameterize them with data. Here's an example with specs2:
class BasketSpecification extends Specification {
"a basket must contain fruits" >> {
Seq(apple, banana, orange) foreach { fruit =>
("it contains: " + fruit) >> {
basket must contain(fruit)
Then the output is:
A basket must contain fruits
+ it contains: apple
+ it contains: banana
+ it contains: orange
Whereas the following specification:
class BasketSpecification extends Specification {
"a basket must contain fruits" >> {
Seq(apple, cake, orange) foreach { fruit =>
("it contains: " + fruit) >> {
basket must contain(fruit)
Will print out something like:
A basket must contain fruits
+ it contains: apple
x it contains: cake
'basket' does not contain 'cake'
+ it contains: orange
That concept is called "shared tests" in ScalaTest, because the same test code is being "shared" by multiple fixtures, where "fixtures" are the "data" in TestNG's DataProvider approach. There's a way to do this for each style trait in ScalaTest that expresses tests as functions. Here's an example for WordSpec:
You can alternatively just use a for loop to register the same test code for different data points. This came up in an email discussion that's here:
The for loop code in that case looked like:
for (browser <- List("IE", "Chrome", "Firefox")) {
test(browser + ": test one") { driver =>
info("Testing using " + driver)
test(browser + ": test two") { driver =>
info("Testing using " + driver)
test(browser + ": test three") { driver =>
info("Testing using " + driver)
test(browser + ": test four") { driver =>
info("Testing using " + driver)
test(browser + ": test five") { driver =>
info("Testing using " + driver)
This actually registers 15 tests, five tests for each browser driver. This I believe is what you're after.