Searching subversion history (full text)

If you are running Windows have a look at SvnQuery. It maintains a full text index of local or remote repositories. Every document ever committed to a repository gets indexed. You can do google-like queries from a simple web interface.

Update April, 2022

VisualSVN Server 5.0 comes with a new full-text search feature that allows you to search through the contents and history of your repositories in the web interface. Try out the feature on the demo server.

Old answer

svn log in Apache Subversion 1.8 supports a new --search option. So you can search Subversion repository history log messages without using 3'rd party tools and scripts.

svn log --search searches in author, date, log message text and list of changed paths.

See SVNBook | svn log command-line reference.

git svn clone <svn url>
git log -G<some regex>