SearchView getActionView returning null

I had the same problem because in my menu I used: android:actionViewClass="android.widget.SearchView" as per the google documentation.

Well it turns out that if I'm using AppCompatActivity I should use app:actionViewClass="android.widget.SearchView" instead.

Hope this helps someone.

If you're using proguard this is the possible answer:

In short, add below line to your proguard config file

-keep class { *; }

Today I had the same problem and I think I solved it. It turns out I did couple of things that were not exactly as per the ActionBarCompat contract:

  • Each activity that uses the ActionBarCompat should extend ActionBarActivity instead of FragmentActivity directly
  • Each activity that uses the ActionBarCompat should declare its theme as inheriting from the ActionBarCompat themes.

Both of those I found watching the explanation video from Google.

Now my searchView is not null anymore.